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For many, working from home has become the new normal as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, as states begin the process of opening back up, your employer may soon be calling you back to the office. Although some employees are eager to get back to their old work routines, the research shows...


It’s time once again for some friendly pointers from Miss Telework Manners. In this installment, I offer solutions to two additional challenges you may be facing as you continue to navigate the unexpected transition to full-time telework. Happy reading!


With so many of us settling into our telework routines during this pandemic quarantine, we have become masters of videoconferencing. We have learned the basics like muting our microphones, stopping our video, sharing our desktops, and viewing the group in grid mode. We have worked out how to change...


The COVID-19 pandemic has forced workers out of the office and has led to a massive rise in telework. Many experts predict that telework will become the new normal. One thing’s for sure - telework to some degree is here to stay.


In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, most courthouses have been closed to the public, with only the most urgent proceedings being held in the building and the majority of judges and staff teleworking. But with states around the nation beginning to reopen, courts are developing plans to return to...