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Ted Prestogeorge

Ted Prestogeorge is a senior architect with Fentress Incorporated, where he has worked since 2006. His primary interests include the history of architecture, Art Deco design, and watercolor painting.

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Government buildings - courthouses, schools, police stations, office buildings, etc. - are intended to be accessible to the public, reflecting principles of transparency and accessibility. These facilities serve important functions in communities, such as overseeing justice and delivering essential...


Community rooms inside police stations have emerged as invaluable assets for the police, citizens, and the entire community's well-being.

With the changes in the law enforcement landscape over the past several years, community engagement is necessary for effective policing within a community....


The hybrid office is designed to promote mobility, increase collaboration, and enhance space efficiency among a largely remote workforce. Hybrid offices require various space options for individual workstations, collaborative meeting spaces, and conference rooms. They also require multiple spaces...

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When I ask about duress alarms during a security assessment of a workplace or government facility, the typical response I get is, "I'm not sure if we have them." Or, “We removed them because we kept setting them off by mistake.”

A duress alarm, alternatively known as a panic button or distress...


Grand juries convene in specialized suites within courthouses to hear and review evidence of alleged criminal conduct to determine if an indictment should be issued. This differs from trial juries, sometimes called petit juries, that decide both criminal and civil cases once they go to trial.