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Ted Prestogeorge

Ted Prestogeorge is a senior architect with Fentress Incorporated, where he has worked since 2006. His primary interests include the history of architecture, Art Deco design, and watercolor painting.

Recent Posts

Courtroom layouts are crucial in ensuring legal proceedings' proper and fair functioning and facilitating justice. A typical courtroom consists of a judge’s bench, an area for court staff, a witness stand, a jury box, counsel tables, an attorney lectern, and a public seating area. These different...


A secure parking area for police vehicles is an important aspect of any police station. It is critical to consider various components when providing a safe parking lot for a police station, but this article will focus on the access control gate. The access control gate can be the “Achilles heel” of...


The public can find courthouses to be an intimidating experience. Visitors to a courthouse are often there to support a family member, be a witness in a proceeding, or sometimes a plaintiff or defendant. They often need to spend a large portion of the day in the building, and amenities can help...


Proper maintenance is obviously important for the smooth operation of any building. But maintenance is also a key component of safety. As a certified practitioner in CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design), I’ve had the opportunity to study how the security of people and property can...


The COVID-19 pandemic has, among other things, forced us to rethink how people move through buildings. Office buildings, as well as public buildings like courthouses, rely heavily on the use of elevators to move people between floors. But at the height of the pandemic, social distancing had greatly...