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At this time of year, I find that people are either super polite or their manners go completely out the window. There is no in-between. Speaking of manners, it’s time for some more friendly reminders from Miss Open Office Manners. In this installment, I discuss work holiday party etiquette and...


By Mike Jones (Major Consulting and Design, LLC) and Keith Fentress

We recently performed a school security assessment at a high school, arriving at the school about two hours after the start of classes. Although the school was in entire session, a quick drive through the student parking lot...


What is the agile workplace? Is it just another business buzzword (or “buzzphrase”) destined to drift off into the land of once-used buzzwords, along with value-added, paradigm shift, wheelhouse, stovepipe, bandwidth, incentivize, mousetrap, scope creep, and “content is king?” Maybe. But I would...


By Keith Fentress and Mike Jones (Major Security Consulting and Design, LLC)

In performing a recent school security assessment, we sat down with the principal to chat, which is a routine part of our process. As we conversed about security needs, threat assessments, and related topics, we noticed a...


We have all heard the phrase “the squeaky wheel gets the grease.” I have found this phrase to be particularly true when it comes to funding projects for space and facilities. When there is a portfolio of facilities – whether the facilities span a complex, region, nation, or the globe – the...