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No single factor has been more responsible for the proliferation of working remotely than the ability to gain secure access to office networks and cloud-based applications from outside of the office. In an earlier blog, I wrote about the advantages of Virtual Private Networks for the home worker to...


Ramp or lift? That’s the question an architect or planner must ask when deciding how to make all portions of the courtroom fully accessible to court participants. Motorized lifts are costly but can take up less space than floor ramps, which can obstruct circulation. However, by integrating...


It’s time for some more friendly reminders from Miss Open Office Manners. I discuss nursing mothers’ rooms, private offices, and cell phone interruptions in this installment.


For over 20 years, I’ve participated in planning sessions with government agencies (mostly court planning) as an analyst and facilitator. While each session has involved challenging issues, I can honestly say that each session has been a success. Part of this is due to the core planning team's...


Whether the position is a court security officer, sheriff’s office deputy, or contracted guard, the courthouse relies upon security personnel to keep its occupants safe. Every workday, courthouse employees and participants walk through the courthouse doors and most enter the courthouse through a...

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