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Why do some people find it so hard to be polite in the workplace? Is it because you are around your coworkers so much that you start feeling comfortable? And in some people’s cases, a little too comfortable? Just a thought…anyway, it’s time for some more friendly reminders from Miss Open Office...


Courthouses are where conflicts are resolved, and justice is dispensed. Security in the courthouse is critical for all types of proceedings. It is easy to understand the need for security when there is a publicly charged murder trial, a gang proceeding, or a drug cartel on trial. However, any...


I recently joined a school security assessment team for a newly constructed elementary school. The design reflected modern trends emphasizing transparency, openness, creativity, and collaboration in education. Reflecting on the elementary school I attended (50 years ago!), I was struck by the...


School parking lots can be a source of school security concerns, including safety issues for those driving and walking in the lot, the occurrence of illicit activities in the lot, and the potential of the lot being used as a staging area for an active shooter. For these reasons and many more,...


Imagine you’ve spent the last few years teleworking. After the initial adjustment period, you’ve settled into a comfortable routine. Your work-life balance has been restored. Feelings of dread no longer creep in on Sunday evenings as you think about the week ahead. You save on the money and...