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The term courtroom utilization is not common. A Google search of the term will yield very few mentions or papers and many of the limited results have more to do with electronic recording in the courtroom than with how often the courtroom is used. 


Grand juries convene in specialized suites within courthouses to hear and review evidence of alleged criminal conduct to determine if an indictment should be issued. This differs from trial juries, sometimes called petit juries, that decide both criminal and civil cases once they go to trial.


As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly integrated into various aspects of our lives, the complexities related to the technology are resulting in a wide range of legal issues that parties are turning to courts to resolve. The rapid advancement of AI has brought numerous benefits to...


Courthouse planning involves analyzing a courthouse to make critical decisions about how best to use the space. A court planning consultant should be an expert in courthouses, not just in space or design. They should also understand court operations and how they relate to space needs. 


“Stroke of the pen. Law of the Land. Kinda cool.” That’s how Paul Begala, advisor to President Bill Clinton in the late 1990s, described the immediate impact of the Executive Orders signed regularly by Clinton and other modern presidents. While not all major policy decisions are enacted so swiftly,...