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Pam Kendall

Pam Kendall is a statistical data analyst and web developer who likes to spend her free time playing guitar, hanging out with friends, and traveling.

Recent Posts

Courthouse planning is a complex undertaking that demands careful consideration of multiple factors to ensure functionality, efficiency, and adaptability. A critical starting point in this process is workload analysis. By understanding the volume and types of cases a courthouse handles, planners...


While it might not be a hot topic like security or a constant discussion such as those involving courtroom layouts, the condition of a courthouse can significantly impact the efficiency of the judicial process. Courthouses are more than just buildings; they are symbols of justice and fairness. 


Many court jurisdictions have developed space standards describing the optimal quantity and quality of space for courtrooms, chambers, office, and secured areas. Space standards are useful in determining the amount of space needed and adjacency patterns. 


We often find challenges in courthouse planning due to a lack of space for courtrooms, offices, waiting areas, and support services. Inefficient layout designs can confuse visitors, attorneys, and staff, making it challenging to navigate the courthouse. This can lead to overcrowding, long wait...


Everything from gun violence in schools to protests leading to riots to cybersecurity threats bombard our news feeds on social media and take up residence in the back of our minds (or sometimes it is front and center) as we face the world daily.