Fentress has assessed over 1,200 court facilities throughout the U.S., and with that experience comes much knowledge and data. This data can be analyzed to help decision-makers plan for the long-term needs of their courthouses.
Fentress has assessed over 1,200 court facilities throughout the U.S., and with that experience comes much knowledge and data. This data can be analyzed to help decision-makers plan for the long-term needs of their courthouses.
Courthouse planning involves analyzing a courthouse to make critical decisions about how best to use the space. A court planning consultant should be an expert in courthouses, not just in space or design. They should also understand court operations and how they relate to space needs.
We perform assessments to determine if the space in a courthouse supports the administration of justice. This is not a facility condition assessment that looks at building systems. Our assessments examine how well a courthouse functions, whether it is secured, and if it meets acceptable design...
Prioritization is deciding the relative importance or urgency of a list of items or tasks. For years, I have worked with courthouse data to perform statistical analysis and develop planning tools and business processes.
I have worked with courthouse data for years to perform statistical analysis and develop planning tools and business processes. This includes data on individual courts and data on portfolios with many courthouses.