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In my role as a court planner, I have traveled across the country to dozens of courts to learn about trends that are impacting court workload. During the past several years, it has struck me that many courts are handling a growing number of defendants who are battling mental health issues. This...


Have you considered undertaking a comprehensive courthouse planning exercise to take a deep dive into external factors that may impact your court? Do you believe your court could benefit from a planning effort that sets a vision for the future? You may know you need a strategy to navigate through a...


Do you believe your court could benefit from a planning effort that sets a vision for the future? Have you undertaken planning exercises that seemed comprehensive at the time but became obsolete due to unforeseen external factors? Was there a change in leadership in your court jurisdiction that...


Multi-defendant criminal court proceedings are a frequent occurrence in some court jurisdictions and may become increasingly prevalent due to gang or drug prosecution initiatives. If a court anticipates conducting proceedings involving multiple in-custody defendants, it is important the courthouse...


A much greater number of people serve on juries than participate in the judicial system as plaintiffs, defendants, or attorneys. It is therefore vital that the jury assembly areas be as welcoming as possible. This blog addresses how an architect or courthouse planner can ensure that the jury...