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A new concept has emerged in the ongoing struggle to get more workers back to the office in person—Envy Offices. We’ll discuss the concept and evaluate whether it has a chance of succeeding at boosting office occupancy rates, which have plateaued at 50% for some time now.


During the recent holiday break, I was preparing an online order to replace an aging mobile phone. I had a few questions, so, with great trepidation, I clicked the button to “Chat Live with Agent.” 

As the agent logged on, I prepared myself for an hour-long bureaucratic struggle. But much to my...


As a court planner, one of the most common questions I have been asked since the pandemic is, “What best practices are being implemented in courthouse projects in light of the hybrid concepts that have emerged during the pandemic?” The notion of a hybrid courthouse combines traditional court...

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When I ask about duress alarms during a security assessment of a workplace or government facility, the typical response I get is, "I'm not sure if we have them." Or, “We removed them because we kept setting them off by mistake.”

A duress alarm, alternatively known as a panic button or distress...


Fentress has assessed over 1,200 court facilities throughout the U.S., and with that experience comes much knowledge and data. This data can be analyzed to help decision-makers plan for the long-term needs of their courthouses.