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Lewis Morgan

Lewis is a computer programmer and web developer with a bachelor’s degree in computer science. He enjoys rugby, the beach, and hanging out with friends and family.

Recent Posts

Imagine navigating your day without the internet—no emails, online banking, access to news, or social media. For many of us, the internet is so deeply ingrained in our daily lives that we often take its ease and familiarity for granted. However, a staggering 2.6 billion people globally still lack...


In today's dynamic work environment, the hybrid office has become increasingly prevalent, blending the flexibility of remote work with the collaboration opportunities in-person work brings. The once-isolated corporate network that existed solely at the office has expanded to the worker's home. 



One thing has been made clear about the future of work: hybrid work environments are here to stay and may become the norm for many organizations. Hybrid work attempts to balance working from the office with the flexibility of working from home. The mix of in-person and remote work can be exciting,...


In an era where our digital lives have become an integral part of our daily routines, managing our passwords has become a formidable challenge. This is especially true in a hybrid office when you move work locations between your home and office.


Space use has always been the heart of an organization, whether it is a storefront, office, or even a home business. Planning workspaces, offices, and meeting rooms, including the quantity and location of each, is challenging. It typically requires spreadsheets, CAD software, and extensive analysis...

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