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For most of my professional career, I worked as a school resource officer to ensure the safety and security of schools. This experience provided me with the foundation to become a security assessment professional. In my role as a security assessor, I work with government agencies to evaluate...


I have to acknowledge a struggle I have been dealing with for the last two years as a court planner. Will courts embrace the technologies that arose during the pandemic and reduce the size and number of courtrooms, or will they maintain the status quo?

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The holidays are yet again upon us. In offices, the holidays typically come with time off from work to celebrate with family and friends, employees taking extended time off due to “use it or lose it” PTO policies, and, not to be forgotten, the work holiday party.


First Amendment auditors are individuals who conduct video recordings and photography in government buildings or public spaces. They do so to test and document the protection of their First Amendment rights, which include freedom of speech and freedom of the press. 


In an era where our digital lives have become an integral part of our daily routines, managing our passwords has become a formidable challenge. This is especially true in a hybrid office when you move work locations between your home and office.