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When courthouse planners, architects, or court managers consider various possibilities for the layout of a new courtroom, how far from historic norms should they expect to depart? There has been a strong thread of consistency in the form and function of American courtrooms from colonial times to...


I recently received a comment on my Justice in the Dark post regarding natural light, which helps to create a more pleasant environment in a courtroom while also reducing energy costs. I briefly responded that I couldn’t agree more! Now, let me take the opportunity to elaborate.


In my previous articles on courtroom layout options, I have addressed such issues as sightlines, furniture options, and access requirements. My focus in this post will be on the core element of the courtroom: the location of the judge's bench.

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In my last blog concerning courthouse accessibility, I discussed the challenge of reconciling accessibility requirements with historic preservation objectives at the main courthouse entrance. Today, I’m approaching a topic that is an even greater challenge for court planners and architects: the...


Green Building objectives (along with certification processes like LEED) can benefit both the environment and the individual court when applied to a courtroom renovation project. Sustainable building practices relating to a courthouse may fall into several general categories, including the...