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By Donna Chaney, Senior Consultant/Furniture Concept Illustrations by Susan L. Ruby

Office renovation projects are a great opportunity to transform a traditional office into a modern, updated office that provides new ways to work and collaborate. But what if you don’t have the time or money for a...


Years ago, during a courthouse needs assessment, I had a passing conversation with a defense attorney while I was evaluating courtrooms. She noticed that I was taking space measurements and photographs, and commented that the standards for courtroom design should change because participants often...


During a recent planning visit to a small Texas courthouse, I walked through a door at the side of the primary courtroom and encountered the courtroom holding cell shown in the above photo. My first reaction was, “Nice mural.” My second reaction was, “What is it doing in a holding cell?” Was I...


I had a bit of a eureka moment recently. I was talking to someone whose agency was in the process of transitioning to an open office environment. She said that the new space was nice, but that people did not seem to know how to behave in such an environment. For example, people would talk so loudly...


Many people who telework do so only when they need to be home for a personal reason, such as a FedEx delivery or a sick child. The initial reaction managers and coworkers alike may have is skepticism. They’re thinking, with an eye roll, “Today sure won’t be Steve’s most productive day.” The...