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One common issue I have seen during my years of courthouse analysis is the lack of secure prisoner movement into the courthouse, to the cellblock, and from the cellblock to the courtroom. This problem is more prevalent in older and historic courthouses, but it is widespread nonetheless. However,...


We have all been absorbed at one time or another by the drama that takes place inside a courthouse. “To Kill a Mockingbird”, “Perry Mason”, “LA Law,” and countless other popular movies and television programs allow us a glimpse into the inner workings of a courthouse. Real-life courtroom drama –...


 By Keith Fentress (President, Fentress, Inc.) and Mike Jones (President, Major Security Consulting and Design, LLC)

The country is still in shock after the recent school shootings in Santa Fe High School, TX (10 dead,13 injured) and Parkland High School, FL (17 dead, 14 injured). School shootings...


It’s time for a few more friendly reminders from Miss Open Office Manners. In this installment, I discuss dogs in the open office, dressing for the open office, and open office wellness rooms. Enjoy.


Just walking through a courthouse can be a stressful experience for a visitor. Whether being called as a witness or to serve on a jury, or just picking up documents from the clerk’s office, the serious nature of a courthouse can be intimidating. This article focuses on the steps that can be taken...