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Tips for Offices with No Security

by Keith Fentress / October 18, 2018

By: Keith Fentress (President, Fentress Inc.) and
Mike Jones (President, Major Security Consulting and Design, LLC)

Many workplaces choose not to have physical security. The reasons could include a lack of funds, the concern that visible security will be off-putting to clientele, and the hope that nothing that requires security will happen. Regardless of the reason, your workplace can still have security procedures in the event of a crisis. This infographic presents five tips for workplaces to stay safe, even if there is no formal security.

Tips for Offices With No Security:

  • EYES ON THE ENTRANCE- Have a reception area or arrange workstations where the entry door can be monitored. The reception desk should be made of bulletproof material. All reception personnel should be trained in security and safety procedures.
  • PLAN FOR CRISIS- Plan what to do in a crisis - and rehearse! Cell phones and landlords should be set up for one-touch emergency calling. The reception area should have an alert button that sets off an alarm to disorientate an attacker and buy employees time to get to safety. Provide office floor plans to local police.

  • KEEP EXITS CLEAR- Keep exits, doorways, and hallways clear of storage and equipment. Nothing should block the way of employees running from danger or moving to a safer hiding place during a crisis.

  • FIGHT BACK- as a last resort, fight back to save your life. Throw something heavy like a paperweight or an open water bottle - even a splash of water can confuse an attacker. Discharge a fire extinguisher to block sight lines, burn eyes, and cause coughing - hit an attacker with it if there is no place to run or hide.

  • CREATE A CULTURE OF SECURITY- Situational awareness is everyone's responsibility. Regularly walk around the building and parking lot to be mindful of potential security issues. Reward employees for identifying safety hazards.

www.fentress.com | www.majorsecurityconsulting.com


Tags: Workplace Security

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Keith Fentress

Keith Fentress

Keith Fentress is the founder and president of Fentress Incorporated, bringing a wealth of expertise in assessment, planning, and space programming projects. His professional strengths encompass change management, program evaluation, and business process improvement, reflecting his commitment to delivering innovative and effective solutions. Outside of his professional endeavors, he is passionate about adventure travel and enjoys outdoor activities such as hiking with his dogs, canoeing, and snorkeling.