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By Keith Fentress (President, Fentress Inc.) and Mike Jones (President, Major Security Consulting and Design, LLC)

Recently, we performed a routine follow-up assessment of a client’s improved security based on recommendations that we made the previous year. He claimed that his security policies...


In recent years, space reduction projects have become increasingly popular among federal agencies, both as a way to provide an updated and more efficient office layout (think mobility, telework, hoteling, collaborative spaces, etc.), and as a way to attract a younger generation of workers. But...


 By Keith Fentress (President, Fentress, Inc.) and Mike Jones (President, Major Security Consulting and Design, LLC)

The mass shooting at the Capital Gazette has captured the nation’s attention. This tragedy, which took the lives of five people, promotes fears about the safety and security of the...


A much greater number of people serve on juries than participate in the judicial system as plaintiffs, defendants, or attorneys. It is therefore vital that the jury assembly areas be as welcoming as possible. This blog addresses how an architect or courthouse planner can ensure that the jury...


You’ve finally done it. After years of making the case that you could be just as productive – if not more so – from a home office, your boss has finally agreed. A great deal of your argument rested on the fact that there are fewer distractions in a home office. In a traditional office, a steady...