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In today's dynamic work environment, the hybrid office has become increasingly prevalent, blending the flexibility of remote work with the collaboration opportunities in-person work brings. The once-isolated corporate network that existed solely at the office has expanded to the worker's home. 



About two years ago, I wrote in this space about the limitations of remote court proceedingsA couple of recent experiences in court planning helped me realize how much and how quickly perspectives about remote court proceedings are changing. I’ll get to those in a moment, but first a bit of...

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Everything from gun violence in schools to protests leading to riots to cybersecurity threats bombard our news feeds on social media and take up residence in the back of our minds (or sometimes it is front and center) as we face the world daily. 


I recently read an interesting statistic that astounded me—the economic output of just six southern states surpassed that of the entire Northeast. Initially, I thought this was a very recent phenomenon, but it occurred for the first time in 2021, and the gap has expanded. In 2022, these six states...


Since I’ve worked as a courthouse planner for most of my career, the concept of universal design has been drilled into me. Universal design is the notion that, to the greatest extent possible, the built environment should provide an experience that accommodates all user groups, regardless of age,...