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In today's world, ensuring the safety and security of buildings is paramount. A strong security plan is vital, whether a corporate office, a school, or a residential complex. It helps protect both people and property. A good way to improve building security is to complete a threat assessment. This...

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With the rise of work-from-home (WFH) and hybrid schedules, you might expect the demand for government conference rooms to hit historical lows. Surprisingly, the reduction in daily in-office traffic has only magnified the same challenges faced before the pandemic. Even with fewer employees on-site,...


In today's world, ensuring the security of your building is not just a good practice—it's a necessity. But what happens if you're aware of security problems and choose not to conduct a security assessment? Or, what if you perform a security assessment but fail to act on the recommendations? This...


The recent news detailing the shooting of the CEO of United Healthcare has captured the nation’s attention, reigniting important discussions about safety and security in our society. As a result, executives across the country are understandably feeling more anxious than ever.


The criminal justice system has historically been punitive, primarily focusing on holding offenders accountable for their crimes. However, there is an increasing recognition of the limitations of traditional justice processes.