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As mass shootings – and school shootings in particular – have become commonplace across our nation, the need to improve security in our schools has perhaps never been so urgent. Many school boards and administrators want to improve school security but do not have adequate budgets to implement...


"Mr. Getty needs red construction paper.” Those six words seem so innocent. But for my wife, who taught in a public elementary school for ten years, those six words signaled an active shooter drill.

And then the rundown would begin. Lock the doors…lock the windows…pull down the shades…hide the...


The first safety measure generally observed by visitors at a school is the security vestibule at the front entrance of the school. Security vestibules provide administrators with control over who has access to the interior of the school, thus providing an important line of defense. Yet not all...

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Since the beginning of the pandemic, there has been plenty of discussion within the courthouse planning community about the way remote proceedings have improved court operations. Remote proceedings have provided the public with more convenient access to the court and have provided the court with an...


It has now been over two full years since COVID first came along, and many businesses are implementing "return to the workplace" programs and policies. Transitioning back to the workplace can be difficult. Not only can it be a challenge to keep the work-life balance going, but the old office...