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Whether you are building a new courthouse, renovating a police station, or transitioning your in-person office to a hybrid office, a key element in any space project is using design standards. Design standards define the types of individual spaces needed, their intended use, occupancy, square...


In the architectural world, the practice of developing space requirements for a project is known as space programming. It is done during the pre-design phase and provides the baseline space requirements for a construction project. The programming process involves a combination of conducting client...


It seems that our children’s summer vacations are getting (or feeling) shorter these days. As we enter another school year, the feelings today’s parents have are likely very different than those our parents or grandparents may have had as they watched their own children step onto the bus or walk...


It has now been over two full years since COVID first came along, and many business are implementing "return to the workplace" programs and policies. Transitioning back to the workplace can be difficult. Not only can it be a challenge to keep the work-life balance going, but the old office dilemmas...


I recently had an experience that seems pretty common this summer: sitting in an airport during a flight delay, wondering when - or if - I’d reach my destination. This was my first post-pandemic business trip for one of our court clients. After a couple hours, it was clear that hundreds of my...