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Ted Prestogeorge

Ted Prestogeorge is a senior architect with Fentress Incorporated, where he has worked since 2006. His primary interests include the history of architecture, Art Deco design, and watercolor painting.

Recent Posts

There are three separate circulation paths in a well-designed modern courthouse: circulation for judges, the public, and prisoners. Each of these circulation paths cannot cross another. However, like a brain-teaser puzzle where you need to draw a shape without crossing lines, how can you design the...


Having a courtroom layout that provides sufficient space for each type of user is critical. The courtroom is the location where three separate circulation zones intersect: public circulation for spectators, family members, and litigators; restricted circulation for the judge, court staff, and jury;...


Multi-defendant criminal court proceedings are a frequent occurrence in some court jurisdictions and may become increasingly prevalent due to gang or drug prosecution initiatives. If a court anticipates conducting proceedings involving multiple in-custody defendants, it is important the courthouse...


 We’ve all heard it.Sitting all day on the job puts a strain on your back and on your physical well-being. Medical professionals warn that sitting for prolonged periods, and spending too much time overall sitting during the course of your day, can lead to cardiovascular disease with risks similar...


One common issue I have seen during my years of courthouse analysis is the lack of secure prisoner movement into the courthouse, to the cellblock, and from the cellblock to the courtroom. This problem is more prevalent in older and historic courthouses, but it is widespread nonetheless. However,...