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I have written many posts about courthouse planning in the last year. From space allocation to courthouse design, we’ve explored these issues qualitatively. In today’s entry, I will shift gears and begin a series on courthouse design and planning from a quantitative perspective.


Over the past year, I have posted numerous articles addressing courtroom layout and design topics and discussed judges’ chambers and courthouse circulation. Each post focused on a single issue relevant to that particular courthouse component in courthouse planning.


In my previous articles on courtroom layout options, I have addressed such issues as sightlines, furniture options, and access requirements. My focus in this post will be on the core element of the courtroom: the location of the judge's bench.

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In this third and final post in my series on planning for the open office environment, I’ll look at the interplay between open office design and the needs of office occupants within the context of demographic variations.


Designing modern, open offices that facilitate collaboration requires more than the right furniture and floor plan, we must also design these offices within the context of basic human needs.