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Today, we continue my eight-part series on quantitative measures used in courthouse planning with a discussion on technology– the availability of technology systems to support court proceedings, public access, and coordination between court components.


Today, in the fifth installment of my eight-part series on quantitative measures used in courthouse planning, I am discussing the criterion of building condition – the courthouse condition of the general building and judiciary tenant space of the facility, including the condition of the building...


Today, in the fourth installment in my eight-part series on quantitative measures used in courthouse planning, I am exploring the criterion of courthouse security– the security features in the courthouse, including secured and restricted circulation patterns, prisoner holding areas, and sallyports.

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This is the third in an eight-part series on quantitative measures used in courthouse planning. This installment focuses on Space standards – the conformance of space with the court jurisdiction’s applicable standards for size and proportion.

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Last week, I introduced a new series on quantitative measures used in courthouse planning. Today, I will address the first quantitative measure criterion: Space functionality, the extent to which space supports the number and operations of judges and staff and functions properly for adjacencies,...