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Every day I read yet another article, sometimes online, sometimes in the newspaper, about an organization adopting an open office environment design that supports mobility and collaborative work practices. The Wall Street Journal recently ran an article about Citigroup’s new 39-story high-rise...


As an architect, I don’t know everything about the courthouse planning process. As an undergraduate student at Ohio State University, my architecture professors routinely emphasized their belief that architects were the center of the universe, omniscient beings like Frank Lloyd Wright who could...


Recently, I received several comments in response to my blog, The Ruling Is in High Tech Mobile Law Offices Really Work, requesting more detail about the function and layout of my attorney’s new office. My attorney was more than willing to give me a tour of the office, and here is what I discovered.


By Alan Ruby, Senior Architectural Consultant

Whenever I compare the characteristics of a traditional office to a contemporary mobile office, I inevitably think of my attorney’s old-fashioned office as a prime example. His dark, walnut-paneled walls, shelves stocked with law books, massive desk,...


Whenever I visit a courtroom, one of the first functional areas that I consider is the jury box in the courthouse planning process. The condition of the jury box is of particular interest to me since this is where ordinary citizens, like myself, are introduced to the American judicial system. It...