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 When people hear that I telework from home, they often say, “I could never do that. I’d be so distracted by all the stuff I could be doing around the house.” Yes, there are distractions in the home office, just as there are in any office. My version of the overly chatty and disruptive cubicle-mate...

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Global Warming, Carbon Footprint, Greenhouse Gases—these terms have sparked debate and become somewhat politicized in recent years. Whether you believe that significant damage can result from the earth’s warming or remain skeptical, you may have stopped to ask yourself what you can do to help the...


“The most powerful leadership tool you have is your own personal example.” - John Wooden

Have you ever attended an overcrowded school? Shared a small cubicle at the office? Crowded space is a reality faced by many organizations, including courts. Judges and court managers responsible for...


 Do all urban areas offer the same potential for applying open office concepts? Or could the urban success gap be a limitation? This article explores those questions and offers some insight to help derive answers. But first, let’s consider the urban success gap.


There are many challenges to remote work, including setting up boundaries between work and home life, having a dedicated office space, and helping employees feel connected to the organization. In this article, I propose what I see as the greatest challenge in managing remote employees –...