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The most common challenge when undergoing major renovation projects in existing courthouses is designing a functional courtroom in a tight or poorly configured space. We often refer to this as “shoehorning” a courtroom into existing space. In many cases, adequate space cannot be found to construct...


In the last article, we mentioned that developing a model to calculate return on investment and other critical measures for a space reduction program was possible. Such a model can assist an organization in identifying likely locations for space reduction and prioritizing projects.


Our recent articles focused on establishing an accurate baseline number of currently occupied spaces as the first step in a reduction initiative. Once an accurate baseline has been determined, the next step is to start planning space reduction strategy projects. This article will examine one of the...


Many court jurisdictions have developed space standards that describe the quantity and quality of space for courtrooms, chambers, office areas, and secured areas. Space standards are useful in determining the amount of space needed and adjacency patterns, especially in new court facilities....


Our two previous blogs examined challenges to establishing and maintaining a space baseline: accounting for pipeline projects and tracking GSA re-measurements. The final challenge in this series also applies to GSA tenants – the potential for delays in the GSA rent records after an agency renews a...