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Keith Fentress

Keith Fentress
Keith Fentress is the founder and president of Fentress Incorporated, bringing a wealth of expertise in assessment, planning, and space programming projects. His professional strengths encompass change management, program evaluation, and business process improvement, reflecting his commitment to delivering innovative and effective solutions. Outside of his professional endeavors, he is passionate about adventure travel and enjoys outdoor activities such as hiking with his dogs, canoeing, and snorkeling.
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Recent Posts

Our two previous blogs examined challenges to establishing and maintaining a space baseline: accounting for pipeline projects and tracking GSA re-measurements. The final challenge in this series also applies to GSA tenants – the potential for delays in the GSA rent records after an agency renews a...


Once an agency has established a baseline that accurately reflects its total space footprint, tracking ongoing changes to its space is essential. Tracking ensures that an agency monitors both progress toward achieving its space reduction goals and routine fluctuations in its space total. This blog...


In our last blog post, we identified challenges to the Freeze the Footprint policy that is not unique to individual agencies. In this installment, we discuss the first of three major challenges and potential solutions to these issues.


In complying with directives from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), federal agencies have been required to Freeze the Footprint on occupied office and warehouse space. OMB has provided guidance to establish the space occupied in FY 2012 as the footprint, or the space “baseline,” for an...


Since my last post addressed dogs, it is only fair to note that cats can also be troublesome office mates for teleworkers. Along with our two dogs, we have two cats. Our cats rarely venture into my home office, and when they do, a 30-second scratch under the chin is usually enough to make them...