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What exactly is meant by today’s concept of a flexible workplace? Most people might point to technology advancements and the need to monitor trends and adapt to the latest and greatest technologies. But is providing a flexible office really about technology? I don’t necessarily think so. Or at...


When you work from a home office, you don’t have the same built-in online security protection that is provided in a traditional office environment. Making sure your online activity is secure is up to you. Maybe you think your home connection is perfectly safe. But how truly secure is your Internet...


Have you considered undertaking a comprehensive courthouse planning exercise to take a deep dive into external factors that may impact your court? Do you believe your court could benefit from a planning effort that sets a vision for the future? You may know you need a strategy to navigate through a...


It is hard to believe that this is the tenth installment of Miss Open Office Manners. In honor of such a momentous occasion, I will provide you, dear reader, with my ten rules to open office etiquette. Enjoy.


There are three separate circulation paths in a well-designed modern courthouse: circulation for judges, the public, and prisoners. Each of these circulation paths cannot cross another. However, like a brain-teaser puzzle where you need to draw a shape without crossing lines, how can you design the...