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As a security assessor, I continue to seek ways to improve my ability to provide clients with the best information about their concerns. I strive to seek training on new and improved methods of identifying security gaps and issues within the facility I am assessing.

My continued desire for...

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When I ask about duress alarms during a security assessment of a workplace or government facility, the typical response I get is, "I'm not sure if we have them." Or, “We removed them because we kept setting them off by mistake.”

A duress alarm, alternatively known as a panic button or distress...


For most of my professional career, I worked as a school resource officer to ensure the safety and security of schools. This experience provided me with the foundation to become a security assessment professional. In my role as a security assessor, I work with government agencies to evaluate...


First Amendment auditors are individuals who conduct video recordings and photography in government buildings or public spaces. They do so to test and document the protection of their First Amendment rights, which include freedom of speech and freedom of the press. 


Proper maintenance is obviously important for the smooth operation of any building. But maintenance is also a key component of safety. As a certified practitioner in CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design), I’ve had the opportunity to study how the security of people and property can...