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A good initial design can be a significant factor in reducing courthouse operational costs. By contrast, less than optimal design features can have just the opposite effect. In this blog, I will explore three principal design considerations that can have the greatest impact on future courthouse...


In my previous courthouse posts, I discussed artwork's role in supporting the American courthouse as a symbol of the rule of law and creating a long-term cultural connection with the American public. Today, I will discuss another vital role of courthouses as a generator of economic development for...


In my last blog, Art in the Courthouse, I stated how impressed I was by many of the pieces I have seen in courthouses. One of my favorites (shown image below) welcomes the public at the MLK Federal Courthouse in Newark, New Jersey. The contemporary sculptural expression created by Diana K. Moore in...


As a courthouse planning consultant, I spend considerable time attending meetings and conducting on-site assessments in courthouses. I am never surprised by my consistently positive interaction with knowledgeable and conversant judiciary members. I am also never surprised by historical and...


This is the first in a series concerning applying accessibility requirements in courthouses. I will begin by addressing reconciling courthouse entrance accessibility standards in courthouse planning with the preservation objectives and constraints posed by existing conditions in older historic...