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It’s time for a few more friendly reminders from Miss Open Office Manners. In this installment, I discuss dogs in the open office, dressing for the open office, and open office wellness rooms. Enjoy.


I was recently visiting a client in an open office setting. She gave me a tour of their newly designed space and led me to the workstation she had reserved for the day. It was a standard open office workstation with a decent-sized work surface, a large monitor, and a place for her to plug in a...


After listening to my friend complain about the woman in the workstation next to her wearing so many bangles that she could not think straight due to the constant jingling of her bracelets (for which I can only think of two potential solutions—talk to her about it or get a sound machine!), I...


The open office has been heralded as a modern layout that promotes collaboration, innovation, and a more flexible workplace. But is there a downside? The answer is yes—open offices can also promote anxiety.

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 Do all urban areas offer the same potential for applying open office concepts? Or could the urban success gap be a limitation? This article explores those questions and offers some insight to help derive answers. But first, let’s consider the urban success gap.