Fentress Blog

Navigating Security Concerns When Working Remotely

Written by Lewis Morgan | Jun 30, 2023

According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, approximately 30% of the workforce works remotely, at least part of the week, despite our return to post-pandemic ‘normal life.’ 

This shift to the home office brings IT security challenges to both the employer and employee that can be better managed in a traditional office. 

There are many security issues that arise in the home office, and unlike the brick-and-mortar office, the home office may lack the resources to prevent security vulnerabilities. For instance, technology setup and maintenance in the home office is often left up to the employee who may not be knowledgeable about security measures that can protect their equipment and their company’s infrastructure from a threat. This article will examine some of the security vulnerabilities remote workers face and some tips for securing your home office.

Home Office Vulnerabilities

Home office workers face a myriad of IT security risks. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most notable vulnerabilities you may encounter in your home office.

Securing Your Network

Your network is the most important thing that can keep your data secure. Think of your network as your home address. Each time you leave your home to run errands or pick up your kids from soccer practice, it keeps track of exactly what you’re doing, where you are, and all sorts of other little details. You don’t want others to have unauthorized access to your network where they can be ‘disguised’ as you, stealing information or passwords or causing other trouble. 

Below are several steps you can take to safeguard your network against the threats I discussed above. 

  • Router: The first step to securing your network is to change the default or admin password that came with your router to a longer, more complex one. This makes it difficult for others to gain access by guessing your password. Yes, it may be annoying when sharing your Wi-Fi with others, but it is a necessary security measure when working from home.

Try and stay up to date with the latest and greatest. The firmware for your router needs to be regularly updated to help patch bugs that could potentially exploit your network. Check with your service provider to ensure that these updates occur automatically. In addition, experts recommend that you upgrade your router every five years or every two to three years if you have numerous devices connected to your network.

  • Virtual Private Network: The next step to securing your network is to use a Virtual Private Network (VPN). VPNs are a great and simple way to boost your security regardless of where you work. Whether it be a lousy (and vulnerable) network at a hotel or coffee shop or providing extra protection at home, it’s an effective way to keep your sensitive data, well…secure!

VPNs are like a personal, secret tunnel that only you can send data through when using the internet. The VPN encrypts your data and hides your location by masking your IP address. Without the VPN, unauthorized users can gain access to your personal data, exposing you to malware, phishing attacks, and privacy attacks, which can put both you and your company at risk. There are plenty of options out there that won’t break the bank but will keep your network secure.

  • Firewall: Another preventative action is to add a firewall to your home network. Firewalls block unauthorized access to your devices/network and monitor all incoming and outgoing network traffic. They are also great if you want to restrict access to certain websites with your home network.

Securing Your Devices

Now that your home network is secure, here are a few things you can do to protect your devices in the home office.

  • Antivirus Software: This is one of the most important tools that you can use to protect both yourself and your company. Antivirus software helps prevent and detect malware or infected files from hiding on your device. Let’s say you accidentally click on a suspicious link from a trusted source. The antivirus can scan the website/link before you actually open or load the page, preventing your device from being compromised. On the off chance that the software detects no danger and loads a malicious website or downloads a corrupt file, the antivirus can scan all of your files and remove the malware for you.

  • Password Manager: My last piece of advice is to use a password manager. This application creates unique, complex passwords for you and stores all of them in one place. But the passwords are encrypted, so they aren’t actually “saved.” It’s secure and a big time saver! Some password managers even scan for known data breaches and alert you that your password may be compromised.

Prevention is the Best Defense

While remote work provides numerous benefits, it also introduces security challenges that require proactive measures. Implementing the steps outlined in this blog post requires some extra work, but the risk of security breaches can be significantly reduced. Strong security practices will ensure that remote work environments remain secure and protect sensitive information. By prioritizing security, businesses can embrace the advantages of remote work without compromising data integrity or confidentiality.