A court planning consultant serves many roles, but – most importantly – a court planning consultant will analyze your courthouse to make critical decisions about how to use the space. They’re experts in courthouses, and it is not uncommon for a seasoned court planning consultant to have worked in dozens, if not hundreds, of courthouses.
Court planning typically involves:
While there are many other services that a court planning consultant can perform, such as conducting master plans and developing design standards, the three areas listed above are the most common services throughout the profession.
Only a handful of firms around the country specialize in court consulting, though some large architectural firms have a justice/judicial division that provides in-house court planning services. Effective court planning requires an understanding of court organizations and functions, and a planning consultant must be knowledgeable about circulation patterns and the interface between court components.
Further, a court planning consultant needs a firm grasp on the flow of work and personnel through a courthouse and how the flow varies by court jurisdiction (e.g., appellate, criminal, civil, juvenile, domestic, and specialized courts).
Join us in the coming weeks as we discuss the roles, responsibilities, and capabilities of skilled court planning consultants in greater detail.