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Escape the Room Holiday Event


escape the room

Fentress held its holiday event in NYC this year. We took an early train to Pennsylvania Station and spent the morning shopping for those last-minute Christmas gifts. We then went to Escape the Room NYC. Escape the Room is an innovative team-building company that places people in a locked room for 60 minutes. The goal is to find clues that will help you open locks and solve puzzles to escape the room. We decided to divide the company by men versus women (we actually have a 50-50 split). The ladies' challenge was "The Office" and the men had a James Bond theme. The guys had to find clues that unlocked doors into three different rooms once we were inside the suite. The final effort was to solve a combination that disabled an alarm, which allowed us to acquire a briefcase with the key to the door that led to freedom. We escaped and 59 minutes and 55 seconds – five seconds to spare! I think the ladies would still be in the room if the company did not stop the game at 60 minutes.

It was great fun and many thanks to Escape the Room NYC!