Fentress Blog

Don't Be That Guy on the Videoconference (Virtual Work Party Pointers)

Written by Mary Isner | Nov 12, 2020

As I mentioned in my last blog, we are in an interim period of returning to the workplace. Some people are starting to return to the office with protocols in place for social distancing, limited occupancy, and increased sanitation. Some are still full-time teleworking. Still, others are falling somewhere in between – a combination of working in the office with safety protocols and teleworking the rest of the time. No matter where you fall, these friendly pointers from Miss Telework Manners may be helpful to you. In this installment, I offer solutions to two additional challenges you may face during these crazy times. Happy reading!

When Videoconferencing Goes Way Too Casual

Dear Miss Telework Manners: Please tell me I’m not crazy! I was recently on a videoconference with a representative from a firm I was considering teaming with. The representative showed up with a baseball cap on backward and a white undershirt. Wait, it gets worse…he proceeded to eat his entire lunch while on camera! I am not even kidding! Am I wrong to be appalled by such behavior?

-- At Least Put On A Proper Shirt

Dear Proper Shirt:

Wow! That’s pretty shocking even to me, and I have been using videoconferencing regularly for a very long time. One of the perks of working from home is being more comfortable, but professionalism should not go out the window. You certainly don’t have to wear a suit for every Zoom, but a good rule of thumb is to follow the dress code of the person or persons you are videoconferencing with.

Although casual clothes are usually acceptable, you would not want to show up too casually if others dress more formally. Being camera-ready means no baseball caps and no undershirts. If you’re meeting with a new client or business contact, err on “business casual” clothing. As far as eating lunch on camera, that’s a big no-no unless it’s established beforehand that this is a lunch meeting and that eating on camera is acceptable. I hope that helps! Good luck to you, and stay well!

Holiday Party Etiquette for the Age of Social Distancing

Dear Miss Telework Manners: My company's holiday party is going on virtually this year. I am glad we aren’t letting the pandemic get in the way of our getting together to celebrate the holidays, but I am a little nervous about how to act. Do you have any pointers for navigating this uncharted festive territory?

-- Party On (Virtually)

Dear Party On:

This is a great question. Last year, I gave some tips on office party etiquette, but you are right; this is new territory. So, here are my office party etiquette tips for virtual events:

  • Consider being a teetotaler. Or, if you choose to drink, practice moderation. You do not want to have the “Did I say that to my boss?” feeling the next day. Please note that this rule only applies if you were told beforehand that drinking alcohol is permissible. If you are not, I do not recommend showing up with a cocktail in your hand!
  • Dress appropriately. While it is a more festive atmosphere, it is still a work function, and you should dress professionally. You can add some fun holiday touches, but your outfit should still be appropriate for a work function (at least from the waist up).
  • Show up on time. Even if you prefer to show up “fashionably late” for social events, this is a work function, and you should connect to your virtual party on time.
  • Keep the conversation light. Be friendly and avoid shop talk. Nobody likes a party pooper!
  • Don’t forget to say thank you. Before you sign off, thank the host or

Those are my pointers for a virtual work party. They are almost the same as my pointers for an in-person work party. That is because nearly all of the same rules apply, just with a twist. While this is a party, it is still a work function, and you should be careful. Have fun, but only a little fun!

I hope you have found this week’s tips helpful and enjoyable. I wish everyone a productive and healthy work environment, wherever that may be! Be safe and well, everyone!